Saturday, March 15, 2008

New blog/website,

OK, we finally got one of these things. From now on all of the
updates and news we have, we will post here. So if you want
new info, it will be found.. here, not myspace.


acap said...

come to malaysia guys!!!

kimpunkrock said...

The background of this blog is amazing.

I like it when you blog. It would be cool if you keep writing on here, I for one would love to hear your thoughts more often than just on the records.

U guys r great.
I personally hope you make it to seattle this summer with Have Heart.

thanks and keep on.

Check out my blog too


take care

Dennis said...

You guys are unbelievable. Your van is unbelievable with extra load tires from Cesar. Sean Rocks. He has influenced my life, big time.

uncle dennis!